What is Energy Medicine?

Considering that everything is Energy, scientifically proved, then it makes sense to improve your health and well being by making use of ENERGY.

There are many Modalities available to revitalize, relax, release or to assist you to be centered, grounded or to live your potential. These Modalities are the foundations to retain your health and well being.

Let's break the Modalities into groups for a better overview:

FREQUENCY: Light Therapy, Sound Therapy (Singing Bowls/Tuning Forks) Essential Oils, Radionic, Flower Essence

HOLISTIC: Hands on ( Holistic Touch, Emotional Matrix, Prana Energy, Reiki, Holistic Pulsing,) Yoga, Qi Gong, Radionic

MASSAGE: Shiatsu, Hot Stones, Raindrop, Body massage

MICROBIOTIC: Amino Acid Thereapy Essential Oils, Radionic, Isopathy, homeopathy, Tissue Salts

CONSCIOUSNESS: Coaching, Consultation, Workshops, Seminars, Training, Meditation, Visualization

As you can see, there is a wide range to assist you to regain your well being.

In my Signposts I will touch on a few of these Modalities and give you a few tips which are easy to apply and integrate in your daily life.